Lilo: Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten.


Tokyo Disneyland Stitch Encounter Grand Opening 2015 東京迪士尼樂園 幸會史迪仔 開幕 2015

#史迪仔 #Stitch #Lilo & Stitch #スティッチ
史迪仔珍藏及產品動向盡在Stitch Positive*
(c) Chris & Stitch Positive


但今次唔係無買野,係買左超多野! 就係因為太多野,所以拖下拖下拖到依家...


但係起碼由 2007 年到今日我都未放棄 Stitch 丫 ,哈哈!

講返正題,幸會史迪仔 / Stitch Encounter / スティッチ・エンカウンター


迪士尼方面亦為呢個新設施出o左一系列新嘅產品! 全部都極吸引!



佢地為o左呢個 attraction 畫o左好多新嘅史迪仔圖,由我入去至走都睇唔完...

至於買野呢,就真係好瘋狂,買o左 4 萬 Yen~~~

日本迪士尼仲專登為 Stitch 開o左一間舖頭 --- 

Treasure Comet /  トレジャーコメット / 寶藏彗星 (我翻譯)

淨係賣 Stitch 嘅野,犀利! 無得頂!  

呢度就係我今次嘅部份收獲,因為有d唔記得擺埋出黎 :P

Part of Stitches that I bought in Japan.

I'm just too lazy these months (or years).

They should be posted in August. 

(but I'm definitely working hard to get more Stitches all the time)

Since it was the grand opening of Stitch Encounter in Tokyo Disneyland,

Disney had released tons of Stitches! 

All of them are adorable! 

As a fan of Stitch, I must get there, right?

Stitch Encounter in Tokyo Disneyland is just amazing!

They even opened a store only for Stitch! It's called Treasure Comet. 

Too good to be true. Too good to be true.

I had finally spent 40 thousands Yen...and I think it is totally reasonable :)

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2 則留言:

  1. Halo Christine,,,我Gf好鐘意Stitch, 請問你可以割愛出讓d特別既stitch擺設俾我嘛?感激

  2. Halo Christine,,,我Gf好鐘意Stitch, 請問你可以割愛出讓d特別既stitch擺設俾我嘛?感激
